Interactive White Boards

Even though I have so much that I know I can blog about I seem to struggle thinking of things that I might like to post about.

After reading Natalie J Moore’s blog post  Stories online which focuses ICT resource she found (which is awesome, definitely worth checking out) I started thinking of modern ICT that I have used in my classroom experiences. The first thing that popped into my mind was using Interactive white boards in the classroom. Do we love them? Hate them? I would love to here others opinions.

I have had a tough relationship with the few different types I have encountered involving the students knowing a lot more than I did on how to use them, my writing skills with the pens looking worse then a three year olds and just overall difficulty trying to use them.

However, I can see how they are an amazingly helpful tool for those who know how to use them from the interactive learning games that have been used during rotations to the interaction of filling in C2C worksheets and taking notes.

After doing a quick google search I found this website (I’m sure there is a load more like it) with a whole section just on Interactive whiteboard resources that all look like great interactive experiences for the students.

I am looking forward to learning how to use this resource to enhance student’s engagement and learning in the future.


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